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"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry
The Insitute has competences in conducting fundamental and applied research activities in the field of organic, inorganic and computational chemistry
"Sabba S. Stefanescu" Institute of Geodynamics
The Institute is conducting complex geophysical research in geodynamically active areas, with a special emphasis on the Vrancea seismogenic area
We are a software services company with a solid background in implementing complex projects for global clients, both start-ups and large companies: in business since 2004, offices in 3 cities, 127+ experts in our team, clients in 30 countries, over 1000 successfully completed projects.
City Hall of Iasi, Iasi County
The city of Iasi is the main academic, economic and cultural center in the north-east of Romania. Also, being located at the eastern border of Romania, Iasi is the main development pole of the eastern part of the European Union.
Fybomide Travel Ltd
When we founded the startup in 2019, we needed a way to automate flight booking and hotel, there was no solution locally, so we had to work around using Avangate BV and creating accounts in the UK. 4 years later, there’s still no easy way.