Why join?
This is the first nationwide initiative that wants to spread first-hand information and reach as many people as possible. If you feel innovative in any area of expertise,
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About accelerate romania
This platform is made to share information in a transparent way with all the innovators. Everybody is welcomed and everybody is encouraged to share their experience.
No matter how big or small, newcomer or veteran, public or private, profit or nonprofit, every entity who is innovating in one way or another in their work, we aim to bring it here.
In recent years, the Romanian innovation ecosystem has been evolving organically at its own pace. We want to encourage the amazing achivements that already gained some international recognition within the start-up ecosystem and involve everybody in the innovation universe to experience this and get involved in this fragile yet emerging state of innovative experience.
Great stories happen to those who tell them and Accelerate Romania aims of strengthening the ecosystem from within by telling our stories.
Success feeds success, but only if it is recognised.
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Behind the platform
This platform was built based on the needs of information and information sharing in the innovative sector, all of this with the curtains wide open and in the spirit of transparency. Our team works around the clock to sort out information and data, and bring all of that in this environment in the most impartial way we can.
That is why we need you on this platform, and this is also what you have to gain: transparent and first-hand information from real life experiences. Share with us the reality of being an innovator in Romania, why you chose this path and how you managed to grow your innovator spirit. Mingle with the other participants and find out how they managed to do it, get in contact with them, share experiences, make new bonds and get better in what you do.