BioCoderDojo Timișoara
We are a free to attend, volunteer-mentors driven, project based, non-formal education initiative for students in secondary and high school classes, addressing domains at the convergence of life sciences and information technology (bioinformatics, synthetic biology, biomedical, e-health, etc).

BioCoderDojo Timișoara

BioCoderDojo Timișoara

Romania, Timisoara
Founded by: Radu Ticiu Rodica Beicu Dorel Deaconescu Sergiu Micorici
Team: Radu Ticiu, Florina Roșiu, Rodica Beicu, Sergiu Micorici, Mihai Frăcea, Cristina Băcanu
We mix kids with a proven interest for biology and programming in blended learning processes that values and practices cross-generational and cross-disciplinary interactions, practical experimental work, joint, self-directed and self-paced, project-based and competition participation driven learning. We expose participating kids to live interactions with (young) academics, professionals, entrepreneurs from various fields (biology, genetics, IT, AI, medical devices development, manufacturing, management, bioethics, bio arts, psychologists, etc.). We organize site visits to genomics centres, biomedical devices manufacturing plants. We support kids teams to participate to various kind of international competitions, including hackathons. We place kids in summer internships.
Facts and numbers
Key facts
  • 1-5 Employees
What we have achieved:
Best New Youth Project in Timis County - 2019 Runner Up Award in the Gene Editing section of ICCET 2019, Moscow/Russia
Our interests:
Funding, people , media, education, R&D, Facilitators , innovators, challenges, networking, Collaboration, Co-creation, Facilitation, Future Trends
You can reach out to us via facebook twitter phone