Biology & Biotechnology
animal biology, plant and animal physiology, biotechnologies and biomaterials for agriculture; Bio-technological processes, etc.
Looking for something specific?
“Nicolae Simionescu” Institute of Cell Biology and Pathology
Institute of Cell Biology and Pathology is conducting biomedical researches and aims to uncover at the cellular and molecular level the pathobiochemical alterations occurring in the heart and blood vessels which lead to atherosclerosis, diabetes, ageing, metabolic syndrome. It also aims to translate the knowledge "from bench to bedside" for patients benefit: prevention, early diagnosis, better therapeutic control, and ultimately cure of cardiovascular diseases.
BioCoderDojo Timișoara
We are a free to attend, volunteer-mentors driven, project based, non-formal education initiative for students in secondary and high school classes, addressing domains at the convergence of life sciences and information technology (bioinformatics, synthetic biology, biomedical, e-health, etc).