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Step FWD (TechHub Bucharest)
Join StepFWD, the pre-accelerator for tech startups with diverse teams. Our program is a 360-degree experience that teaches you the basics of founding a startup, from incorporating and legal mechanics to product development and sales. Your startup will be paired with a lead mentor that will advise and guide you for the duration of the program. Our workshops are delivered by seasoned entrepreneurs and industry experts and are designed to be actionable hands-on experiences. You’ll get access to an extended network of entrepreneurs, investors and corporate partners, enabling you to navigate the local startup ecosystem.
Innovation Labs
A 3-month mentoring & development program for young entrepreneurs and startup teams. Choose your track, bid your idea, experience the Hackathon, get noticed, meet mentors, find partners, and push harder. Develop, grow, fine-tune, finance and expand your idea into a convincing MVP. It’s Demo Day: Pitch your final prototype in an electrifying event!
Startarium, the city of entrepreneurs, is the most complex online platform dedicated to entrepreneurs in Romania. It gives them the resources they need to learn how to build successful businesses, to work on their business model, to interact with experts or mentors, and last but not least, to get their business funded, either with the help of crowdfunding platform, investors or within the Startarium PitchDay, an event that offers prizes worth 100,000 Euro cash.
KPMG Startup GrowPad (Spherik Accelerator)
Spherik Accelerator is an NGO based in Cluj-Napoca, that was founded in 2013 with the mission to connect startups with strategic resources. Spherik stands at the intersection between Tech, Education and Investment and reunites a community of like-minded people: tech enthusiasts, entrepreneurs & intrapreneurs, corporates, investors and also universities, that have joined their efforts to boost the regional startup ecosystem.
Tech Ventures Startup Incubator
We are focused on providing workspace, coaching, funding and relevant events to help founding teams start, scale, and build meaningful technology companies. We invest in very early stage tech companies that have the potential to improve the way we live, work and play.