ACME Facilitators ltd.
Our experience providing the Coyote with countless support in his Roadrunner chase has rendered us with outstanding logistics in facilitating products and services. Imports, transport, dangerous material manipulation and so on. You name it and chances are that we have done it.

ACME Facilitators ltd.

ACME Facilitators ltd.

Founded by: Wile E. Coyote, The Roadrunner
Team: John F. Rocketeer, Anvil Thomas, Tunne L. Painter
Our legacy begins in the 1950's with when our founding fathers started deploying basic logistics to the Nevada desert to support a local wildlife entrepreneur in his eternal chase. First there were just simple tasks like providing affordable delivery for heavy anvils and improving simple FMCG's like sneakers by fitting them with a pair of rockets. We keep that philosophy to encourage local innovation and we offer our full support for innovators and enthusiasts alike. Our process has become a complex one in the past years with the addition of modern logistics, SaaS integration, machine learning powered ERP's so that we can fit the most pretentious entrepreneur needs.
Facts and numbers
Key facts
  • 20-50 Employees
What we have achieved:
Based on our previous legacy we gave an upgrade to the classic logistic chain that supports local entrepreneurs and with machine learning integration and SaaS support we have facilitated the most complex tasks and connection required to meet when starting your own business. Our teams are working tirelessly to keep up with the modern business models and our customer stories can speak for themselves.
Our interests:
robotics, animal trainers, electronics, offshore partnerships, innovators
You can reach out to us via facebook twitter linkedin phone