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“Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History
The "Nicolae Iorga" Institute of History was founded on April 1, 1937 as the Institute for the Study of Universal History. The scientific mission of the Institute is to edit the fundamental sources of medieval, modern and contemporary history and, especially, to capitalize on these sources in individual or collective research papers. The fundamental research topics are: the history of the Old Regime; the history of the Black Sea; the history of trade and merchants; the stories of foreign travelers from the medieval and modern periods; the problem of modernizing the Romanian society in the 19th century; family history; the history of minorities; the history of the first world war; the history of Romanian communism; history of historiography.
“A.D.Xenopol” Institute of History
The "AD Xenopol" Institute of History has, as main objective, the research of the history of the Romanians, in close connection with the European historical evolutions from our immediate proximity or from more distant spaces. Special attention is paid to the continuation of the editing of medieval sources, in the prestigious national collection Documenta Romaniae Historica, Series A. Moldova, which is one of the fundamental research projects of the Romanian Academy. To this are added the systematic studies carried out by the institute's researchers regarding the social structure of the Romanian society, the evolution of the institutions, the medieval Moldovan village and city, the historical demography, the establishment and evolution of the modern Romanian state, the issues of elites, nationalism and minorities. , cultural policies or the history of totalitarianism and anti-communist resistance,
Institute of Art History “G. Oprescu ”
The Institute of Art History, under the patronage of the Romanian Academy, has a multidisciplinary structure. The research focuses on Romanian medieval art, Byzantine art, folk creation, modern art, architecture, theater, music and cinematography; to these are added the national artistic patrimony in foreign collections and the European one from the Romanian museums.
Institute of History and Literary Theory “G. Călinescu ”
The Institute of History andLiterary Theory "G. Calinescu" is conducting research and studies in the field of linguistics and literary theory
Institute of History of Religions
The Government of Romania decided to establish the Institute of History of Religions as a research institute subordinated to the Romanian Academy, having as main directions: the history of Indian and Iranian religions, the comparative history of monotheisms and religion and modernity.