The first overview of the Romanian innovation universe
Accelerate Romania is a facilitating platform for integrating and promoting the Romanian innovation ecosystem, its start-ups and scale-ups.
What is this all about?

In recent years, the Romanian innovation ecosystem has been evolving organically at its own pace. We may not be no. 1 ecosystem in the world but despite its emergent and fragile state, the Romanian entrepreneurial and more specifically start-up ecosystem had some pretty amazing achievements and has already gained some international recognition.

Great stories happen to those who tell them and Accelerate Romania aims of strengthening the ecosystem from within by telling our stories.
Success feeds success, but only if it is recognised.

Explore the universe
How we'll do?
We will offer a comprehensive view into the ecosystem
We’ll inspire entrepreneurial communities and empower existing networks
We'll provide a shared platform for organising joint activities, collecting and communicating ecosystem-relevant information
We’ll show people why they should be proud to be part of the ecosystem
We'll provide clear answers to questions such as: Who are the role models and what are the success stories from Romania? What are the facts and figures? Why should founders, investors, corporates, etc. come to or stay in Romania?
Who is here?
We aim to bring everyone on this platform. No matter how big or small, newcomer or veteran, public or private, profit or nonprofit, every entity who is innovating in one way or another in their work, we aim to bring it here. Every actor of the innovation ecosystem has its place here. You should expect to find the newest tech startups along innovative artists, researchers or entities from public sector on this platform. Thus creating business opportunities for all.
Who can join?
If you are an innovator or are involved in an innovative organisation, you should join us. In order to create a comprehensive and functional map of the Romanian innovative ecosystem we need as many actors as we can get. So don't be shy and join us now! We need you as much as you need us.
Why this works
Innovation is always about teamwork and gathering like-sided minds around you. When innovators sit at the same table and leave aside mundane issues, that is when progress happens. Because it's all about stories, and because our stories are interconnected. Of course you can exist and even thrive on your own but it just gets spectacular when you can see the big picture. In this way it s easier to understand the roots of various problems, to identify solutions and to see everything in a wider perspective. And most importantly, it gives everyone a sense of belonging.