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„Iorgu Iordan - Al. Rosetti ” Institute of Linguistics
Institute of Linguistics „Iorgu Iordan - Al. Rosetti ”is conducting research studies in order to cultivate and promote the Romanian language. It develops works in the field of linguistics, to be used by scholarly and general public alike, such as: grammar guidance, spelling, orthoepy, dictionaries and linguistic atlases
Institute of Mathematics "Simion Stoilow"
The Institute of Mathematics "Simion Stoilow" (IMAR) represents one of the most significant centres of the Romanian mathematical life. During its 50 years of activity virtually all leading Romanian mathematicians were members or associated with this research unit. IMAR is organized on research groups, each group having its own research agenda for periods of 1-3 years. Each group has a staff of senior researchers accompanied by young researchers and organizes at least one weekly seminar. Each group has permanent collaborations with many Universities from Romania and with different important research centers from abroad
The Institute of Solid Mechanics
The Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy (IMSAR) is an organisation for advanced fundamental and application research in the field of solid mechanics. It has 4 departments that are conducting resaerch in the fields of Dynamic Systems, Tribology, Deformable Media&Ultrasonics; Robotics&Mechatronics
"Bucovina" National Institute
The Institute was created over 25 years ago as a Center for the study of Bucovina Region's problems and it was subordinated to the Iaşi Branch of the Romanian Academy. Its fields of research are history, literary history, ethnography and folklore, natural sciences, all focused on the Bucovina region.
"Costin C. Kiritescu" National Institute of Economic Research
The National Institute of Economic Research "Costin C. Kiritescu" is part of the fundamental research structures of the Romanian Academy and is the continuator of the tradition of economic and social research in Romania, which has its roots for almost a century. INCE's current goals stem from the mission it undertook in the early tenth decade of the twentieth century.