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Step FWD (TechHub Bucharest)
Join StepFWD, the pre-accelerator for tech startups with diverse teams. Our program is a 360-degree experience that teaches you the basics of founding a startup, from incorporating and legal mechanics to product development and sales. Your startup will be paired with a lead mentor that will advise and guide you for the duration of the program. Our workshops are delivered by seasoned entrepreneurs and industry experts and are designed to be actionable hands-on experiences. You’ll get access to an extended network of entrepreneurs, investors and corporate partners, enabling you to navigate the local startup ecosystem.
Techcelerator aims to find the most creative, innovative and prolific startups and enroll them in our 10 weeks acceleration program for tech products, to help them reach market fit through a dedicated pre-seed and/or seed investment rounds. We have offices in Bucharest and Cluj Napoca, where the acceleration will happen throughout the year. We also energize the startup ecosystem in Romania by accelerating the growth of the most remarkable founders and their highest potential ventures to conquer the global market.
Orange Fab România
Orange Fab Romania is a 1-year startup accelerator, conceived to support entrepreneurs in developing innovative products and help them distribute both locally and globally. This startup program is looking for start-ups in Romania with mature innovative products that improve people’s lives and set a trend on how people will live in the future. The startups receive access to technologies and APIs to further develop their projects, support in testing the products in real-life scenarios and access to the Orange distribution network for further expanding their business.
InnovX BCR Business Accelerator
The BCR-InnovX accelerator is an intensive program that propels your company or business idea, compressing years of learning from experience in just a few months! Imagine a unique business ecosystem in which you are constantly testing what works and what needs to change in your business. Moreover, you are constantly interacting in an innovative and competitive environment.
Early Game Accelerator
Every year we select 5 or 6 early-stage startups for a highly tailored and very intensive acceleration program. Every startup will work closely with one partner of the fund and will have access to exactly the kind of resources it needs. The selection is made on a rolling basis: no submission deadlines, no cohorts, only the best startups are accepted. We invest up to €200,000 per startup.