future Romanian unicorns
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UMFCD Accel is an acceleration and mentoring program for students and graduates of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" in Bucharest who have an idea and want to develop it into a startup in the field of eHealth
RAU (Romanian American University Accel)
The first university pre-accelerator in Romania dedicated to the education and training of students in the entrepreneurial area, begins in 2021. The program brings expert mentors and investors from different fields to help young people have the best first entrepreneurial experience.
IdEA is an NGO dedicated to the entrepreneurial area that aims to educate, promote and facilitate access to finance for startups in Romania. We set out to contribute to the development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and to bring to the attention of the investment area startups prepared in a modern and efficient system.
Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy
The Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy is conducting research activities in the following domains: Astronomy, Astrophysics, Solar Physics, Celestial Mechanics, History of Astronomy. The Institute has three observatories located in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca and Timişoara that include several scientific research facilities.
"Tiberiu Popoviciu" Institute of Numerical Analysis
The Institute is performing fundamental research in Numerical Analysis, Numerical Modeling, Approximation Theory, and other applied fields of Mathematics.