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"Costin C. Kiritescu" National Institute of Economic Research
The National Institute of Economic Research "Costin C. Kiritescu" is part of the fundamental research structures of the Romanian Academy and is the continuator of the tradition of economic and social research in Romania, which has its roots for almost a century. INCE's current goals stem from the mission it undertook in the early tenth decade of the twentieth century.
Institute of Economic Forecast
Since its establishment, the Institute's activity has resulted in a significant volume of research output, ranging from theoretical, academically oriented materials, to strategic studies, many times crucial for the economic decision making process in Romania. The main areas of interest for the Institute's researchers are: macroeconomic analysis and modeling, labor market policies and institutions, industrial policies, regional and local development, European economic integration and microeconomic analysis.
“Gheorghe Mihoc – Caius Iacob” Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics
The Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics “Gheorghe Mihoc-Caius Iacob” of the Romanian Academy (abbreviated ISMMA) is conducting fundamental scientific research in probability theory, mathematical statistics, operational research, optimization, partial differential equations, optimal control theory, dynamical systems, numerical analysis, fluid mechanics; mathematical modeling, analysis and control of models in life sciences and environment, engineering sciences, economics.
The Institute of South-Eastern European Studies
The Institute of South-Eastern European Studies of the Romanian Academy aims to study the languages ​​of the Carpathian and Balkan nations, as well as those in the immediate vicinity of our northern and eastern borders, to guide, assist and organize scientific research in the field of history, geography, ethnography. archeology, folklore, art and political economy.
"Ion I. C. Brătianu" Institute of Political Science and International Relations
The Institute of Political Science and International Relations "Ion IC Brătianu" (ISPRI) of the Romanian Academy was founded in January 1990 as the Institute of Social Theory and Political Science , with the main objective of developing scientific research in the field of social philosophy and political science.